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As mentioned in the title you should know that excessive consumption of green tea is dangerous to health.

Is green tea drink the Magic have a mission which will save you from excess weight and protects you from many diseases because it is rich in nutrients important for the body, green tea is one of the herbs that contribute significantly to supply the body with nutrients is important, but when extravagance in eating, not knowing you for many health problems, says the report published via the site "senchateabar", including:

- Stomach problems

Green tea contains tannins that cause you to have stomach problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, or high acidity, so you should get rid of this by not eating it on an empty stomach.


If you are one of the people most likely to have a headache, you should reduce your intake of green tea because it causes you to have a headache, due to caffeine.

-Sleep disturbances.

Rich in caffeine is one of the leading causes of sleep disorders and insomnia, so you can avoid this by eating a cup of green tea in the morning and avoid the extravagance of those who eat it at night.

-Lack of iron in the body

Green tea contains antioxidants that block the body's absorption of iron, so the chances of developing anemia increase, and you should avoid this by not consuming it too much.

Liver problems

The accumulation of catechins causes poisoning in the cells of the body, most notably the liver, so you should not waste your green tea.

Finally, the report stressed not to overeat green tea, because if you eat more than 5 cups a day you will have some symptoms including headache, excessive nervousness, insomnia, burning sensation in the stomach, and increased heartbeat.

6 Reasons Why green tea is your favorite drink on an empty stomach.. Most notably weight loss

Green tea has many health benefits, especially in the journey of losing weight and overcoming obesity, as it is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B, copper, and pantothenic acid, which contribute to the burning of fat and increase the efficiency of metabolism. 

In this report, we reveal the benefits of green tea on an empty stomach according to a report published in the website "express"..

1. A good source of polyphenols:

Play this article a role in weight loss, because they are classified as anti-oxidants that gives you many benefits in getting rid of fat if you decide to intake green tea on an empty stomach in the first hours of the morning.


2. Rich in catechins:

You are also antioxidants, which prevent body fat accumulation, and contribute to burn calories by increasing your body temperature especially when the intake green tea in the morning and on an empty stomach.

3-Source rich in caffeine:

Caffeine is another nutrient that supports weight loss, which contributes to burning body fat and calories, consuming 100 milligrams of caffeine is equivalent to burning 9 extra calories.


4. Helps kill cancer cells:

Green tea can kill and prevent cancer cells from growing in the body, as its components contribute to maintaining cardiovascular health, moreover, can slow down the aging process.

5. Enhance immunity:

Green tea contains an amino acid that provides antibodies that help strengthen immunity, which increases the efficiency of metabolism, which helps in the weight loss journey.

6. Helps get rid of bad breath:

Eating green tea on an empty stomach helps to eliminate the problem of dehydration, which results in bad breath.



