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A Life .. Information and advice about life

The concept of life

The concept of life is complex and large, and is not limited to certain words without others; in the first definition of it; it is the period of time ranging from the moment of human birth to his death,

 from the moment of human birth to his death, while in another definition; that life is the totality of the activities carried out by man during his diary,

 and proves his existence on Earth. We often hear someone when he is overwhelmed by despair, saying that he does not feel life; which leads us to another definition; that life is the feeling of the individual and his connection, with all the forms and manifestations that exist on the surface of the Earth, and if you stop mixing with people sometimes, you may feel the loss of life or sense of it You're far from the easy life.

How to feel life

- We mean the sense of life; the realization of Man by emotion that he is alive in his actions, and his achievements, and the way of thinking, and that he is connected with the manifestations of living, and all the events around him, and the opposite of that feeling, pushes man towards isolation, separation from reality, and exposure to severe bouts of depression:

Conviction is an eternal treasure

*Satisfaction with human abilities or features, Money, health, etc. is a key to happiness, an easy way to always feel joy, positive energy, and this is what life needs to continue and please.

Identity search

  • The lack of knowledge of an individual's goals in life; makes him lose his identity, which may often make him feel lost, perhaps he will have a sense of inferiority in comparison with others, and one can determine his identity through; his work in the field he desires, the realization of his ambition to work, marriage, wealth, enjoy entertainment, along with moral commitment.

Adaptation to conditions

  • Life is not as drawn as we want and love; it is a combination of mixed and adverse circumstances; which man must deal with wisely and thoughtfully, and does not hasten to declare a state of depression, at the first turn he passes; life is governed by many factors; concerning others, and by the realism with which God singled out the life of the world; for example.

Regular ritual practice

  • Some believe that the sense of life is limited to achieving success and desires, but the ordinary moments that all human beings go through, before they go on to establish their personalities and realize their inclinations, are in themselves the first image of life, and its rituals are to sit with the family, do a marriage, go with friends, participate in social events and so on.

Sayings about life

  • If Man finds nothing in life to die for,  he will most likely find nothing to live for.
  •   Che Guevara. The value of a man is what he adds to life between birth and death.
  •   Mustafa Mahmoud. There is oly one thing certain in life; it is that we lose it, carsel a chard .

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A Life .. Information and advice about life


