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Do you know the types of tourism!


 International or foreign tourism *

This type of tourism means that individuals travel outside the borders of a state and enter the borders of another state, and this type of tourism requires visas for entry and exit from the countries, the use of a passport, in addition to the conversion of currencies to the currencies  of the countries visited if there is a difference between them.

 International tourism is divided into outgoing tourism and incoming tourism; outgoing tourism includes people traveling from one state to another, and incoming tourism includes people coming from one state to another.

Domestic tourism* 

This means that they do not need a visa to enter a country, and do not need to use their passports, nor convert their currency to another currency, and the duration of internal tourism maybe a day or more, and one of the benefits of internal tourism is that it returns positive effects on the internal economy of the state; by supporting

Types of tourism by activity

adventure tourism -1

 Tourism is based on a recreational activity, involving physical activity, whose destination is unusual, exotic, remote, or wild, and is associated with high levels of participation and activity by visitors, most of which are carried out outdoors. These adventurers are explorers of the outside world, especially unspoiled, inhabited, or alien parts, explorers also challenge their abilities, challenge themselves, and the power of their impulses, adventure travelers need special tools, and a strong qualification to go through these adventures

 cultural tourism -2

 Tourism is based on visiting other cultures, learning about their customs and traditions, integrating with different communities, sharing information about different cultures around the world, and promoting their culture, and differentiating them among global communities. According to the World Tourism Organization, cultural tourism accounts for 37% of Total World Tourism and is expected to continue to grow by 15% each year

religious tourism-3

Tourism is based on visiting religious places of certain religions and learning about holy places that carry religious meanings for people who profess that religion. Religious tourism needs to prepare places to receive tourists, facilitate movement and accommodation in places where there are religious tourist places, and religious tourism has two types, namely: pilgrimage tourism and religious tourist trips; for knowledge and religious guidance

Medical Tourism-4

It is tourism based on travel to a particular place; to receive treatment for a disease, Health Care, Dental Care, Surgery that may not be possible to perform or treat in the country where the person resides, to seek better treatment in terms of quality or price, or to travel to stay in a healthy environment suitable for the patient's condition .medical tourism also includes travel to receive treatment from the natural sources of sulfurous or salty water, hot sand, sea mud, etc.


ecotourism -5

Ecotourism aims to educate tourists and staff alike about the environment and nature, seeks to protect the environment, preserve local communities, and promote sustainable travel. Ecotourism is based on the principle of building environmental and cultural awareness and respect, generating financial assistance for both the local population and the private industry in the area .

heritage tourism-6

It is travel-based tourism to learn about the history of a civilization that took place in a particular place or country, to see the historical monuments and monuments of certain civilizations, to learn about the historical stories about the people and places that take place in those countries.

Food and drink tourism -7 

It is travel-based tourism; to experience food specific to a particular culture or country, learn how to prepare it, buy it, experience the original taste of eating from the home country, taste the food directly and from its sources fresh, without having to freeze and transport it, which means losing a large part of its original taste

sports tourism-8

It is travel-based tourism to enjoy watching different sports games, attend games live and live in the stadium where they are held, or attend huge sports events and events held globally, such as: attending the World Cup, the Olympic Games, or a famous sports league, this type of tourism has started to spread in abundance recently; because of people's love and

 natural and rural tourism-9

 Tourism is based on the performance of tourist activities, develops a rural and Natural Area, stimulates all the features of the countryside of landscapes and others. One of the benefits of rural and natural tourism is that it stimulates the links between social and economic contexts, enhances the links and interactions between local activities and characteristics, and contributes to sustainable local development.

 educational tourism-10

Educational tourism also includes travel to attend conferences, training, and workshops that contribute to the development of people's experiences, enhance their knowledge in their field of work or study, and drive the process of continuous self-improvement

Do you know the types of tourism!


