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الصفحة الرئيسية


Relaxation helps reduce stress and its severity And live a carefree life. They found that relaxation exercises help lower blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of heart disease, improve sleep, and Reduces the level of migraine. Reduces tension headaches. It reduces bowel disorders, especially irritable bowel syndrome, and relaxation training reduces body aches. They found that it has a positive effect by reducing all mental disorders.

There are three very important factors that should be mentioned and focus on them, which determine the benefit of relaxation exercises as mentioned by the world's Beetle :

1 / Motivation: people have the motivation to get relaxed and learn the ways and means of relaxation. If this impulse exists, I'll get a high degree of relaxation.

 2 / Understanding: the individual must understand the reasons for doing these exercises, what is the benefit of them and the philosophy of doing these exercises.

3 / Commitment: the individual must be committed to continuing to exercise. He must specify a daily period of time during which he performs these exercises and the exercise process is regular and continuous.


Ways to get relaxed :

Are many but I will mention three types.

1-  Relaxed deep breathing.

2- Muscle relaxation.

3- Mental relaxation.

First: deep breathing :

It is known that the process of breathing is a mechanical process controlled by the nervous system, and this process begins from the first moments of human life and is influenced by the individual's psyche. This means that a person suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression will not get the necessary amount of oxygen needed by the body because of the way he breathes, which may be fast so that the body can get the required amount of oxygen and take out the amount of carbon dioxide.

He stated that the deep breathing exercise provides the right amount of oxygen needed by the body to take out as much waste and carbon dioxide and moves the mind and body to a relaxed state and improves blood circulation in the abdominal area.


And have the following steps:

* Sit upright with feet slightly apart, or while lying on the floor or mattress.

* Close your eyes, imagine another beautiful fantasy world, or remember a place you love, to minimize external influences

* Place one hand on the chest area and the other on the abdominal area (navel location )

* "The goal is to sense the height of the hand placed on the abdomen more than the chest.

* The person slowly takes air through the nose until he feels that his hand placed on the abdominal area has risen slightly .. Little and not much i.e. do not deliberately so, but be naturally.

* If an individual feels the height of the hand on the body, it traps air in the lungs for a period of time according to the individual's abilities and feeling of relief and may take 3 seconds or five seconds. Or extend the counting period from 1 to 3.

* The next operation: the individual slowly removes air from the mouth area until he feels that his hand placed on the abdomen has returned to normal.

* Repeat this process ( inhaling from the nose, holding the air, and then exhaling from the mouth ) 3 times.


And after the third time we apply the following :

Take a deep breath from the nose and lock him up then get him out of the nose. Do this step twice.

* That is, the exercise consists of two basic units are air confinement 3 times and then 2 without confinement and then we return three times with confinement and then two times without confinement until the time passes us five minutes.

* It is best to use an alarm clock to alert us to the end of time, as we should not be preoccupied with anything other than the imagination drawn before us.

* Preferably apply this exercise 3 times a day it is fast, and very good and is considered one of the best types of relaxation exercises and can be practiced easily on the exam chair or in your car before work and others.

* After relaxation, you will notice that the muscles of your face have relaxed and that your voice has changed, calmed down, and decreased.


Second: muscle relaxation :

We notice when each muscle of the body contracts and the contraction and diastole result in pain from electrical charges and these charges are transmitted to the part of the brain which is the hypothalamus. Responsible for providing appropriate responses to stress, whether these responses are psychological or behavioral, while physiological devices transfer electrical charges to the hypothalamus, so the hypothalamus becomes in high tension, any new change in human life turned into a factor of stress and relaxation works to reduce these successive charges of electricity by returning the body and the hypothalamus to a state of equilibrium, so the individual does the process of relaxation after facing the stresses of life of all kinds.


For the relaxation process to have an effective effect, the following conditions must be met..

Time :

Muscle relaxation is most beneficial if it is practiced twice a day with a time difference of 8 hours, and you should avoid relaxing immediately after eating or just before bedtime. Preferably three hours before bedtime.

Location :

Make sure that the place where you will exercise is quiet, away from the noise, and away from the family so that children or individuals do not interrupt you while you relax.


Body position :

Deep muscle relaxation can be practiced in the form of two positions, the first lying on a comfortable bed or on the floor provided that the body is in a straight position. Or we are in a sitting position on a comfortable chair preferably contains an arm, the back, and high. In the case of lying on the floor possible to put a pillow under the neck to back the head and should avoid anything that causes tension to the body. It is preferable to close the eyes and start with deep breathing.


Muscle relaxation steps :

Take a deep breath and then hold the air for 10 seconds, then breathe out.

* Raise your hands slightly while breathing normally and then return your hands to their previous position on the chair.

* Move your hands to the sides and hold them in a very strong grip. Try to feel pressure and effort on your hands . I'll count from 1 to 3, and when you get to 3, I want you to lower your hands . 1..2..3

* Raise your hands up, bend your fingers inwards (body area), now lower your hands, and relax.

Raise your arms, then lower them and relax.

* Raise your arms again, this time move your hands roundly ( flutter ) well ... Relax again.

* Raise your arms again and then relax .

* Raise your hands again above the seat and then tighten your muscles until they tremble, breathe normally, and keep your hands relaxed (relax your hands note the warmth of the feeling of relaxation (

Put your hands in front of you and then tighten the muscles of your body ( make sure you breathe normally ), relax your hands now.

Now push your shoulder back . Stay that way . Make sure your arms are relaxed now.

Push your shoulders forward . Stay in this situation, make sure you breathe normally and your hands are relaxed .(Okay, relax .. Note the feeling of relief when relaxing the muscles after stretching(

* Now hope your head to the right and tighten your neck . Relax and return your head to normal.

* Now hope your head to the left and tighten your neck and then return your head to normal .

* Head back slightly to the seat . Stay that way . Well now slowly bring your head back to normal.

* This time lower your head to the chest . Stay that way . Now relax and return your head to its comfortable normal position .

Open your mouth as far as you can . Open your mouth more . Okay, relax now . (The mouth should be slightly open at the end ).

* Now press your lips and close your mouth. ( Okay, relax, try to feel relaxed .(

* Now press your lips and close your mouth. Press hard ... Stop, relax and allow your tongue to be comfortably placed inside your mouth.

Now put your tongue in the bottom of your mouth. Press down firmly . Relax and keep your tongue in a comfortable position inside your mouth.

* Now lie down (sit ) and relax . Try not to think about anything.

* Now close your eyes, press them hard and then breathe normally. Try to feel the tension of the muscles around the eye . Now relax (try to feel how the pain goes away when I use ).

Now let your eyes relax and keep your mouth slightly open.

* Open your eyes as far as possible . Stay that way . Let your eyes relax now .

Now the effort your forehead as much as possible . Stay that way . Well, relax .

Now take a deep breath and then relax.

Now exhale . Now try to get all the air out and relax(try to feel the breath again )

* Imagine that weights squeeze all the muscles of your body making them flabby and relaxed . Push your arms and body into the seat.

* Tighten all your abdominal muscles, press hard . Okay, relax now.

* Now strain your muscles like you're fighting for a prize . Make your belly hard . Relax now . (Now you are relaxing more and more.(

* Now explore your upper body and relax every stressed part . First the facial muscles. ( Stop from 3 to 5 seconds ). Then the muscles of the vocal apparatus (stop from3 to 5 seconds). Your shoulders, rest any stressed part. (Stop) now rest your arms and fingers . You're gonna be so relaxed .

* When you reach this state of relaxation, lift your legs upwards (at an angle of approximately 45 degrees ). Now relax . (Know that this will increase relaxation.(


* Now bend your feet until your toes point to your face . Relax your feet . Bend your feet hard .Relax.

Two feet to the opposite side, away from your body .Not too far away . Try to feel the beat . Well, relax.

* Relax ( stop ) now wrap your toes against each other, as far as you can . Press better. Relax (quiet ... And silent for about 30 seconds).

* This completes the basic procedure of relaxation . Now explore your body from your feet to the top of your head . Make sure all your muscles are relaxed ... First, your toes, then your feet, then your legs, then your belly and shoulders, then your neck, your eyes and finally your forehead, all your organs should be relaxed now . ( Quiet and silence for about 10 seconds). Lie down and try to feel relaxed, push-relax ( stop ). I want you to stay in this position for about a minute, and I'll count up to 5 .

When out in the count to 5 open your eyes, very quietly, and rebound. ( Quiet, silence for about a minute ) ... Well, when I get to five open your eyes and you feel calm and recovery ... One ... Feeling calm, two ... Feeling calm and refreshed, three more refreshed, four ..... And five.


Third: mental relaxation

Mental relaxation is one of the oldest types of relaxation and each people is characterized by a certain type of mental relaxation, which is similar to yoga, when the Japanese there is a so-called Zen, which is considered a mental relaxation, as the Chinese practice the sport of Alto, which is also considered a mental relaxation, as well as what was done by

The most important feature of mental relaxation is to separate your mind from the outside world and focus on a certain form in your imagination or image or word and repeat it in your mind and your imagination with concentration without preoccupying your thinking of something else and continue doing so for at least 15 minutes if you increase the time is better .


There are conditions to be followed and adhered to :

1- Take a comfortable position whether sitting, lying down, or even standing .

2- The individual must do it in a place of complete calm .

3- Use deep breathing and regulate the development provokes a state of relaxation .

4- Focus on the subject of a certain thing throughout the period of intellectual meditation .


Benefits of mental relaxation:

1- Lower heart rate .

2-Reduce the amount of sweat .

3-Regulation of brain vibrations .

4-Reduce the impact of loud sounds on humans .

5-Improves memory .

6- Improves work performance and academic achievement

7-Reduces the severity of depression .

8-Elevate self-concept.

9- Reduces migraines and tension.

10-Improved sleep nature



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