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 Types of cats and how to take care of them and raise them and foods loved for cats

Many of us prefer to acquire cats, as a fun pet and can bring joy to the heart of their owner; because of their ability to play smart, but before you take the step of acquiring a cat, you first need to know the appropriate way to look after it, and also know the different breeds and types of cats, so you can determine the appropriate type for you.



They are pets belonging to mammals, living with a man for more than seven thousand years, differing in their sizes, shapes, and colors.

Cats were sacred animals in some ancient civilizations, such as the Pharaonic civilization, so that the punishment of people who hurt Cats reached-in the Pharaohs - to the point of execution.


Information you may not know about cats

 Cats have five fingers in their front paw, and only four in the back, although some cats have up to 32 additional claws, and most do not have eyelashes.

* The first year of life of cats is equivalent to 15 years of human life, the second of which is equivalent to about 25 years, and then Cats begin to grow at a slower pace, so that their age increases by four or five years over 12 months.

 Cats have 32 muscles in each ear, compared to only 6 muscles in the human ears, so they can rotate their ears 180 degrees, to identify the sources of noise accurately, and the power of their hearing exceeds the power of human hearing by more than five times.

* Cats sleep most of the time they do not hunt their prey, and may sleep from 20:16 hours a day, and the hours of sleep vary according to the types of cats; small cats and older cats may sleep 24 hours a day, and cats spend 15% of their day licking and cleaning themselves.

 They rely more on their sense of smell than vision because they have a blind spot that makes them unable to see their prey.

 Cats have more bones than humans, ranging from 250: 230 bones, while humans have 206 bones.


Types of cats

There are many breeds of cats, each with certain characteristics, although all agree on their suitability for domestic breeding as pets.

Cats have been classified by 3 international institutions: the Association of cat lovers, which confirms the existence of 44 breeds, the International Association of cats, which recognizes the existence of 58 breeds, and the International Federation of cats, which confirms the existence of only 43 breeds, here are the most famous of these species:

1. Siamese cat

It is a common species known since the nineteenth century, attributed to SIAM (present-day Thailand), where it originated, and Siamese cats have contributed to the emergence of many other breeds.

Siamese cats are divided into two types: one with an apple-shaped head, a plump body, the other with a large head and a slender body.

2. Shirazi or Persian cat

The Shirazi cat has a beautiful appearance, it has a flat face, and long fur may be of one color, or several colors, although its long fur needs regular cleaning, so as not to cause kidney or heart disease, or even the growth of insects inside it.

3. Ragdoll cat

It is similar to Siamese cats in its long hair and pointed colors, it has blue eyes, a dog-like personality, and it is his habit that he follows his owner everywhere in the House.

4. Sphinx cat

It is unique and different from other types of cats; it does not have fur, but is covered with wrinkled skin, and is very similar to dogs, although it has a social and active character.

What to consider when buying cats?

There are a number of tips to consider if you want to buy a cat to raise at home, namely:

* Read carefully about the types of cats before going to buy them, and decide which one suits you best.

 Try to buy a cat that is 6:4 months old, not too young or too old; so that she can eat her own food.

* Make sure that she is healthy before buying; and this is by checking her eyes to make sure she is clean.

* Check her ears to make sure they are free of insects.

* You have to run your hand over her fur to make sure she is free of grains or crusts.

* With a look down the trail and make sure that it is not susceptible to intestinal diseases.

• In the Egyptian and Syrian markets; the darker the cat, the lower its price, while white cats are called “Salon cats” and are sold at high prices.

* Make sure that the cat has received its first vaccination, which it receives at the age of about two months.

* You must have a certificate proving that you have been vaccinated.

• In case you have not been vaccinated, you can deduct the cost of the vaccination from its price, and take it to the doctor for vaccination.

* Prepare a quantity of granular sand so that the cat's space is dedicated to its need.

* Finally, equip the "letterbox", to train the cat to sleep and move around inside it


Important tips for breeding cats

There are a set of tips associated with raising these animals in general, and whatever types of cats you have in your home, namely:

* Provide suitable food for them, whether prepared foods found in pet stores, or provide cheese, eggs, meat, and yogurt.

* So that cats do not resort to sleeping on your bed, you need to provide them with one pillow to sleep on, it makes them feel comfortable.

 Cats in the kitchen usually look for flour and dairy, so it's important to hide them well.

 This makes it difficult for cats to reach them.

* Do not neglect to visit the vet periodically until you are assured of the health of your cat.

• Make sure you receive all the required vaccinations.

* Be sure to provide a box of sand, because cats like to defecate there, and so as not to make the house smell unpleasant, and with time you can train them to use a regular toilet.

* Be sure to clean your cat, especially if you have one of the types of cats with long or thick fur, so as not to get fleas or any of the diseases that may be transmitted to humans.

* As for the number of showers, it is preferred to be 2 times a week in the summer.

* And once every week during the winter.

* Provide a string ball so the cat can play with it, instead of fiddling with home furnishings.


Healthy foods for cats:

There is a range of healthy foods suitable for all types of cats, namely:

* Meat: taking into account the disposal of any bones in it, cook it well, and do not add salt or spices to it.

* Oats: it is one of the healthy foods that cats may not prefer to eat often.

 But you can follow any trick to include it in your cat's food.

* Fresh vegetables: because they are rich in vitamins, and facilitate digestion.

* Including beans, broccoli, and carrots.

* Fish: it is useful for the eyes of cats, although it is not preferred to eat raw in a large amount.

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