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Types of e-commerce

Types of e-commerce are multiple as e-commerce has become one of the best types of trade spread around the world and it is growing in the commercial market significantly, and it has allowed entrepreneurs many advantages as the owners of large companies want to display their goods on the internet In order to save time and money and live in easy life


What is e-commerce?

E-commerce is the buying and selling system of services and goods as well as products that are displayed on internet pages, where they transfer money, as well as display data and transactions, that trade is used for sale, it saves effort and time, it supports all sales operations, as well as customer service.


Types of e-commerce..

E-commerce is divided into many different types and they are as follows:


Companies with companies (B2B) :

It is the first type of trade, which is a process of electronic trade exchange between a company and another company, which is perpendicular to some of the marketing relations that are between the two companies, and it is the presentation of the company's products at the other company, and they exchange marketing among themselves where there are more opportunities


Companies with individual customers (B2C) 

It is one of the types of trade that are between customers, companies, and individuals and it is built on e-commerce among all consumers, as well as companies, and it is compatible with the retail section that concerns e-commerce, which is one of the most profitable types, and it is developing significantly and has many types of consumer goods.


 A consumer with consumer (C2C)

It is a type of consumer-specific trade with the other consumer called (C2C) (Consumer To Consumer) and it is on all transactions of services and goods, it is among all consumers, it is done through the other party, which provides the electronic platform and these transactions are actually carried out.


A consumer with business (C2B)

This type depends on the consumer, it sells all its products and services to the institution that is looking closely for types of products and services, which is a very common type in some projects where young people through it work free work, and this type is well benefited.


Management with business (B2A) 

 It is a type that includes a lot of transactions that have been done online, and be between management and companies and it is called B2A)) Business to Administration as it has a large variety of services, and these types of services have increased in recent years, with some investments in e-government.


 A consumer with administration (C2A)

It is called C2A (consumer to administration ) and it is related to the ease of use, as well as the power of efficiency of the services provided to citizens, by the government, as it supports the technology of information and communication.


E-commerce features..

E-commerce has countless features, including:


The ability of this trade to reach global markets and does not require financial investment online.

Help you get the information you need.

It enables suppliers to be closer to their customers it increases companies ' competitiveness as well as productivity.

It supports more efficiently after and before sales, and there are new and diverse types of e-commerce.

It saves time and effort for all consumers and facilitates the process of buying and selling in the best successful electronic ways.

Its material cost is low.

Provide many people with constant income around the clock.

Provide everyone with many global sales.

Help to display products in a very easy way, especially the most at home.

Online stores are great places for introverted customers.

It helps you access your data and services with ease and enables you to take advantage of them.


Types of services offered by e-commerce

E-commerce offers its customers many services and they are as follows:


The spread of e-learning since the solutions to the crisis of Corona, in conjunction with the closure of universities and schools and the proliferation of Distance Education, has spread platform e-learning significantly, where they became platforms provide educational significantly, have reached profit education platforms to 75% of sales.


Retail trade sites lead the websites by 34.6% as the current crisis has led to the spread of e-sales as many people are moving away from direct buying, and the most prevalent types of retail are Fashion, Fashion, skincare, as well as cosmetics, all household appliances, and toys.


Delivery services

Our e-services, which were popular where spread food delivery service, products, as the spread of smartphones significantly contributed to it, and there are many custom applications for delivery and there has been many individuals and corporations who work in that service.


Freelancing platforms

Are the platforms that have become providing their services to independent people, in conjunction with the spread of remote work for many companies according to the spread of viruses and is one of the best electronic transactions done remotely.


The impact of e-commerce on an individual's lifestyle

E-commerce platforms have made it easier for individuals to provide the items they need as the enforcer has become overwhelmed with the many daily jobs he can't complete and queuing in stores to do the rest of the work and buy the items.


The impact of e-commerce on consumer behavior

The consumer has now become confident in the world of information and the internet as it allows the individual to deal with the world, and he managed all his transactions through it, where the internet is now increasing the consumer with all the information that requires him and all his needs, as the search engines have become easier for people all their needs.


Types of websites

E-commerce is divided into many types, including:


Electronic stores for the sale of products.

Electronic stores for the sale of services.

Electronic stores for the sale of digital products.

Online stores selling the campaign.

Online stores for commission sale.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

Despite the advantages of e-commerce but has some disadvantages, namely:


Total reliance on information and Communication Technology.

There are a lot of sites where there is no complete security of confidential data information when conducting some commercial transactions on the internet pages.

Purchases cannot be made when websites crash.

You cannot try products before buying them from websites for customers.

 In conclusion, we can say that the types of e-commerce are endless as they contribute to the provision of all electronic services they need, and they contribute to the closure of jobs for all different segments, and there has become a large number of trading platforms spread do not hesitate to buy from them.

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