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 Symptoms of the common cold many are looking for to identify them and to avoid getting the symptoms of the common cold.
 The common cold is an infection that infects your nose and throat and is easily transmitted to others, especially inside homes, classrooms, and workplaces It deprives you of good times in your life.
 More than 200 different viruses are contained to be the cause of the common cold.
 There is no cure for colds but usually takes its therapeutic in a week to 10 days.

Symptoms of colds
Within one to three days of infection with the cold, you'll see symptoms such as: 
• Sneezing.
• Runny nose.
• Cough.
• Sore throat.
* Headache;
• Nasal congestion.
• Fever (most common in children).
What are colds?
A cold is an infectious infection of the upper respiratory tract that affects the nose, throat, sinuses, and trachea (trachea).
More than 200 different viruses can cause colds, but most colds are caused by the rhinovirus.
How common are colds?
As its name suggests, colds are widespread.
You are more likely to have colds in your life than any other disease.
Adults catch about two to three colds a year, while young children catch a cold four or more times a year.
Are colds contagious?
The cold spreads from person to person.
In order to become infected, the virus must reach one of the mucous membranes – the eyes or mouth.
That happens when you touch a surface or inhale the moist air is possible that it may contain a cold virus.
For example, when a sick person sneezes or coughs, droplets of liquid containing the cold virus are released into the air.
If you inhale these drops, the cold virus takes root in your nose.
You can also leave virus particles on surfaces that you touch when you are sick.
If another person touches those surfaces and then touches his nose, eyes, or mouth, the virus can enter.
Why do the symptoms of colds occur in winter?
You can catch a cold at any time of the year, but you're more likely to catch a cold during the colder months.
 In the winter people stay in their homes and are in close contact with each other.
A recent study in mice suggests that cold temperatures may also affect your immune system response.
The researchers found that when cold air lowers the temperature of the nose, the mice's immune systems have difficulty preventing the nasal virus from multiplying.
The same may be true in humans.
Why do children develop more symptoms of colds?
Since young children have never been exposed to viruses before, they catch colds more often than adults.
Their immune systems must learn how to recognize and deal with these new germs. By the time you become an adult, you've got a lot of colds.
It is easier for your immune system to recognize and attack similar viruses.
Children are also in close contact with other children.
Children don't usually cough, sneeze or wash their hands before touching their faces – steps that prevent the spread of the virus.

What causes the symptoms of colds?
Rhinoviruses cause up to 50% of colds.
There are more than 100 viruses nasal different, but other types of viruses can also cause cold symptoms.
How can you distinguish a cold from flu?
It may be difficult to know if you have a cold or the flu because many of the symptoms are similar.
Both are diffuse during the cold months and affect the upper respiratory tract (ENT, trachea).
But various viruses cause cold and flu, influenza comes from the influenza virus, while many other viruses cause colds.
The main difference between a cold and flu is that you are more likely to have fever and chills with the flu.
Adults usually do not get a fever with colds, although children sometimes get it.
The flu also causes body pain and more severe symptoms than the common cold.
Although both cold and flu can lead to complications, flu complications can be life-threatening.
What is the difference between the symptoms of colds and colds in the chest?
A chest cold or acute (short-term) bronchitis causes irritation and accumulation of mucus (mucus) in the lungs.
The common cold turns into a chest cold when the virus travels from the nose and throat to the lungs.
Sometimes, bacteria cause colds in the chest.
You can get a cough with a common cold or a cold in the chest.
But colds in the chest produce a wet cough, which means that you may feel phlegm or cough.
You may also have:
• Cough keeps you awake all night.
• Shortness of breath
* Chest pain.
How is a cold diagnosed?
Usually, the examination is sufficient to determine if you have a cold.
During a physical examination, your health care provider will check for signs such as:
* Swelling of the nostrils;
• Stuffy nose.
• Redness and irritation of the throat.
• Swelling of the lymph nodes (lumps) in the neck.
What drugs relieve symptoms?
Over-the-counter medications for treating the symptoms of colds are widely available.
But some of these drugs are not safe for children.
Check with your health care provider before giving your child medicines that are not using a prescription.
.Be careful not to combine medications that treat multiple symptoms  

If you do, you may end up overdosing (getting too much) on some ingredients, which can cause other health problems, including organ damage.



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