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Shade plants inside the house, one of the most beautiful that can be put to decorate and give it an attractive appearance, these plants are widely famous and usually called houseplants and this is because there are many different types and varieties of them live inside the houses, they grow in a low light ratio.

The most famous shade plants and their types :

Plants characterized by their colorful leaves, are the most famous shade plants and are used for ornamental purposes, and their names, marinta, hypostus, photonic, Dieffenbachia, carton, Kallithea.

Easy-to-care plants, and are characterized by the fact that they do not require much care, the most famous of which are cactus, bromeliads, Begonia.

Succulent plants, among them, Spathiphyllum, philodendron, pelargonium.

Plants that need dim light, including ferns, Dracaena, Dieffenbachia, Chlorophytum, Aspidistra, aglaonema.

Indoor flowering plants, including Spathiphyllum, African Violet, ampichench, arugula, clivia, bromelodia.

Individual plants can be coordinated in the rooms, including, cactus, pineapple, palm, cream.

Climbing and supporting plants, among them, EOTS, philodendron, Hydra, Hoya.

Trees and plants of large size, including, Araucaria, philodendron, Schefflera, Yucca, fix.

Benefits gained from shade plant

Shade plants inside the House have many benefits and are known to everyone but in addition to living in dim lights and high humidity often, and also the beautiful appearance that they give to the place, there are other benefits, the most important of which are the following:

These plants help in the process of tempering the atmosphere in the rooms.

Reduces indoor air pollution, and is useful in removing organic volatile compounds from the air such as xylene, benzene, and toluene, as well as removing microscopic compounds harmful to the soil.

Limit the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Increases humidity in dry weather.

Tips for growing shade plants

To grow shade plants inside the house there are some tips that must be followed to keep them fresh and green they require a certain treatment in order to stay longer and the most important tips are the following:

It is necessary to choose the right type of shade plant that has a long life and does not require strong Care.

It is necessary to choose the appropriate soil and also the appropriate fertilizer for the type of plant, as well as the proportion of fertilizer required.

You should be aware of the conditions and steps of care for the acquired plant, the best place for planting, and also how often the plant should be watered.

It is necessary to take into account the change of seasons and change the location of the plant accordingly, in order to preserve it, as the winter may require solar rays in a greater proportion and hence need to be placed next to the Nets.

Plants that can be grown indoors

There are many types of plants that can be grown inside the house, including:

1. Spathiphyllum plant

It is one of the best plants grown in homes and in offices, it is perennial and keeps its color and shape for a long time and does not require light and water in large proportions, and purifies the air from microbes.

2. Coffee plant

This plant releases aromatic odors in the place, and it requires special care as well as a certain temperature in the shade

3. Myrtle plant

This plant has benefits and scientific importance, it makes the climate healthy in the house, it produces fragrances that help get rid of air microbes.

4. Bay leaf tree

This species is perennial, it loves shade, moist air, and warm water in large proportions, and its leaves can be dried and used as a spice.

5. Lemon Tree

This tree is usually small, and it can be grown at home, as it absorbs the amount of excess moisture from the air and sanitizes it, and requires moist soil and a sunny area.

6. False cypress plant

This is an evergreen plant that grows in the shade and requires moist soil and it helps remove dirt and reduce the symptoms associated with migraines.

Caring for houseplants

Shade plants inside the house and other plants grown in houses require special care and you must know what to do when planting these species and from the conditions of care are the following:

Attention must be paid to lighting and this is in relation to the plant that requires strong light, and it is possible to put it at Windows or balconies, to gain from sunlight and grow properly, and with regard to the shade plant, attention must be paid to exposing this plant to the sun so as not to wither or die.

He likes to pay attention to irrigation and the plant's water needs vary depending on the type, there is a type that needs daily irrigation, and there is a type that does not require daily land.

It is necessary to choose the pot that suits the plant, there is a type that needs a large pot and another that needs a small pot.

Care must be taken to make some holes in the bowl for ventilation, and clay vessels are the best as they filter excess water automatically.

Fertilizer and soil are necessary, in the soil that is ready, sterile, and mixed is the best and it does not need additives in agriculture and if a person uses ordinary soil.

They must be sterilized and then ventilated and appropriate fertilizer placed in order to be suitable for cultivation.

Be careful when using fertilizer to be used in appropriate moderate proportions so as not to dry the plant.

Inspect plants used for decoration before introducing them to the House

There are several ways to examine shade plants inside the home, as checking them before they are brought home is important because they may be carriers of certain diseases transmitted to family members.

And cause disasters we are indispensable, and these tips include the following:

Research about diseases and pests, as one of the most prominent places that must be examined by the plant.

Are the places where diseases gather in the terminal and lower leaves and in the flower buds, acarus, scale insects, and mealybugs, and any symptoms that are evident in the paper indicate the presence of a disease.

Research about any mold in the depths as well as fungal diseases where the heart of the plant is opened by keeping away our necks and leaves.

Examine the plant from the inside and look for soft mold in the leaves or colloidal materials, especially in the petioles and branches, and must be aware that the majority of diseases that enter the House are through plants purchased from abroad.

Hence it is necessary to check the plant well to verify that it is free of diseases and insects.

Here is finished our article, shade plants inside the house, where we mentioned to you a number of types of plants that can be grown at home as well as the types of shade plants and 

tips to follow about the acquisition of some houseplants, there is no doubt that these plants give an attractive appearance to the place, but you must be careful to check before buying them for the safety of everyone.

Plants that can be grown indoors

There are many types of plants that can be grown inside the house, including:

1. Spathiphyllum plant

It is one of the best plants grown in homes and in offices, it is perennial and keeps its color and shape for a long time and does not require light and water in large proportions, and purifies the air from microbes.

2. Coffee plant

This plant releases aromatic odors in the place, and it requires special care as well as a certain temperature in the shade

3. Myrtle plant

This plant has benefits and scientific importance, it makes the climate healthy in the house, it produces fragrances that help get rid of air microbes.

4. Bay leaf tree

This species is perennial, it loves shade, moist air, and warm water in large proportions, and its leaves can be dried and used as a spice.

5. Lemon Tree

This tree is usually small, and it can be grown at home, as it absorbs the amount of excess moisture from the air and sanitizes it, and requires moist soil and a sunny area.

6. False cypress plant

This is an evergreen plant that grows in the shade and requires moist soil and it helps remove dirt and reduce the symptoms associated with migraines.

Caring for houseplants

Shade plants inside the house and other plants grown in houses require special care and you must know what to do when planting these species and from the conditions of care are the following:

Attention must be paid to lighting and this is in relation to the plant that requires strong light, and it is possible to put it at Windows or balconies, to gain from sunlight and grow properly, and with regard to the shade plant, attention must be paid to exposing this plant to the sun so as not to wither or die.

He likes to pay attention to irrigation and the plant's water needs vary depending on the type, there is a type that needs daily irrigation, and there is a type that does not require daily land.

It is necessary to choose the pot that suits the plant, there is a type that needs a large pot and another that needs a small pot.

Care must be taken to make some holes in the bowl for ventilation, and clay vessels are the best as they filter excess water automatically.

Fertilizer and soil are necessary, in the soil that is ready, sterile, and mixed is the best and it does not need additives in agriculture and if a person uses ordinary soil.

They must be sterilized and then ventilated and appropriate fertilizer placed in order to be suitable for cultivation.

Be careful when using fertilizer to be used in appropriate moderate proportions so as not to dry the plant.

Inspect plants used for decoration before introducing them to the House

There are several ways to examine shade plants inside the home, as checking them before they are brought home is important because they may be carriers of certain diseases transmitted to family members.

And cause disasters we are indispensable, and these tips include the following:

Research about diseases and pests, as one of the most prominent places that must be examined by the plant.

Are the places where diseases gather in the terminal and lower leaves and in the flower buds, acarus, scale insects, and mealybugs, and any symptoms that are evident in the paper indicate the presence of a disease.

Research about any mold in the depths as well as fungal diseases where the heart of the plant is opened by keeping away our necks and leaves.

Examine the plant from the inside and look for soft mold in the leaves or colloidal materials, especially in the petioles and branches, and must be aware that the majority of diseases that enter the House are through plants purchased from abroad.

Hence it is necessary to check the plant well to verify that it is free of diseases and insects.

Here is finished our article, shade plants inside the house, where we mentioned to you a number of types of plants that can be grown at home as well as the types of shade plants and tips to follow about the acquisition of some houseplants, there is no doubt that these plants give an attractive appearance to the place, but you must be careful to check before buying them for the safety of everyone.



