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Many people face problems of frequent forgetfulness or poor memory and concentration, and after skipping the early stages of life think that they can not follow or practice any of the methods of strengthening memory and concentration, but this belief is wrong, as a person at any age can strengthen the skills of concentration and improve memory once away from a pack of harmful negative habits and practice the right habits, we will give you in this article a set of tips to strengthen memory you can make it part of your daily routine,Tips to strengthen memory and increase concentration in addition to many names of vitamins to strengthen memory as well.


Memory booster tips

We may have many behaviors and habits that affect our lives and how strongly we focus negatively, such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and over-the-counter medication, for example, as all of these behaviors can impair the ability to activate long-term memory.


Now we'll show you several options to answer your question about: how to strengthen memory and concentration How to strengthen your memory to memorize and study


Intelligence games and memory booster tricks



Intelligence games have a very strong effect on the treatment of forgetfulness and lack of concentration in general, as these games work to increase concentration to reach the final solution in the right form. Sudoku game despite its simplicity is a good and entertaining way to follow in strengthening memory.


Perform one task at a time

Research has confirmed that the brain needs 8 seconds to fix any information in memory, which means that multitasking, and accomplishing more than one task at the same time makes you more likely to forget and not concentrate.

Although accomplishing more than one task at the same time has become a common feature of our times, we must limit this to strengthen our memory and concentration.


Practice meditation



Practicing meditation on a regular and daily basis can improve cognitive functions of the brain by up to 50%, as some recent studies have shown that practicing meditation for 20 minutes 4 times a day has a good effect on the treatment of forgetfulness and lack of concentration, which has a positive effect on memory strengthening as well.


Learn new skills

Learning new skills that require the use of more than one sense is one of the most important tips to strengthen memory and concentration, these skills work to stimulate the nervous system, and resist the symptoms associated with aging. Examples of these skills are: learning chess or culinary arts, choosing the skills that primarily attract your interest to feel excited during their implementation, which is reflected positively on the functioning of the brain.


Playing sports


The body secretes during exercise neurochemicals that help stimulate cells and multiply them, that is, exercise has an effective role in maintaining memory and concentration, doing a motor activity that works to increase the pumping of blood throughout the body, including the brain.



The disorder is one of the biggest causes of mental distraction, so if you want to have a strong and good memory, you must maintain organization and order in various aspects of your life, along with the organization of time and work mainly also to be able to maintain concentration and strengthen your memory.


Eat foods that strengthen memory


Food is also one of the things that have an impact on memory strengthening, besides getting many benefits in our lives if we follow a healthy lifestyle of our food.


To strengthen memory you must eat foods that strengthen memory and concentration, among which we mention: 

*Fatty fish salmon and sardines.


*Nuts, especially walnuts.

*Dark chocolate.


*Egg (yolk).





Deep sleep

Every day we discover the advantages and advantages of deep healthy sleep, it is a rest for the body and mind at the same time, and it is one of the most important tips to strengthen memory and concentration, so you should set 7-9 hours of sleep a day to maintain your memory and cure forgetfulness.


Preservation and memorization

Memorizing what we have memorized is a good activity that works to exercise the brain significantly, memorizing the Holy Quran or phone numbers for example.


Memory enhancement by writing


When writing, you need to use several senses along with the movement of the hands that give positive signals to the brain that help focus and strengthen our memory, so specialists advise writing using paper and pen and not writing on mobile or computer.

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Names of vitamins to strengthen memory and concentration


-          Below we will give you a list of many names of vitamins to strengthen memory and concentration, but before taking any of the memory strengthening vitamins we advise you to consult your doctor:

-          B vitamins: this group of vitamins helps to improve memory, significantly improve energy, and among the most important B vitamins that must be maintained at normal levels in the body are the following:

-          Vitamin B12 is considered the most important in improving memory.

-          And vitamin B3 (niacin).

-          Vitamin B9 (folate).

-          Vitamin D: vitamin D is an essential role in maintaining and improving concentration, when this vitamin decreases you will feel a decrease in concentration and depression.

-          Omega-3: it is an important vitamin that forms an essential role in improving heart function and memory, besides that omega-3 improves the level of attention and increases memory.

-          Vitamin D.

-          Magnesium.


    Start now by practicing the tips we mentioned above and share what you will do in the comments space below.



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