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Let you know this information about lemurs.


Information about lemurs and their Western behaviors 

Information about lemurs this animal is a mammal and is found on the island of Madagascar, which is a small-sized animal and has a pointed nose, large eyes and a long tail and this animal lives among the trees and depends on its food on fruits and different leaves and resembles monkeys, but changed independently due to habitat loss lemurs that result from Social bonds are very strong between individuals and they participate in the search for food and take care of each other.


What is a lemur ?

  • Lemur is an animal that looks a lot like a monkey and is found on the island of Madagascar, but it is threatened with extinction because of the large number of hunting and cutting trees in which it lives it is one of the animals that have many different types and each type has a unique personality. 
  • it is one of the animals that have many qualities. lemur lives between 10 to 14 years and covers its body fur in different colors such as white, gray, black, and brown. it is a fast animal, reaching a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. it is an animal that knows to adapt to the conditions of life in dry forests and rainforests.


Lemur animal traits

  • It is very similar to the Saddleback and the face of foxes, has thick wool fur, and has long tails like squirrels.
  • Lemurs inhabit the island of Madagascar near the shores of Africa.
  • The lemur learns very quickly learns more skills and is reluctant to choose and is the most popular animal.


Information about lemurs

  •  Females in this species dominate males and dominance occurs in all families of lemurs and this case appears comically as they bite their mate or hit him on the head or steal fruit from them or expel them from their sleeping places as the female has a distinctive smell.
  •  The lemurs breed from mid-April to mid-May with a gestation period of 135 days and delivery in September or October.
  •  The little one begins to eat solid foods after two months and is weaned after five months.
  •  It matures sexually between 2 and 3 years, due to the extreme conditions it experiences between predation and accidents such as falls due to mortality and is the longest-lived animal living 20 years in the wild.



Types of lemurs


There are many types of lemurs, including:

1. Mouse lemurs

It is a small animal that is the size of a mouse and has a long tail and soft fur and black color and has very large eyes and is a ball in a hole in the tree and sleeps in the day and at night hunting moths and beetles and jumps wide jumps between the branches and has a fat tail.

2. The ringed lemur

This type is inclined to obesity has a very thick tail and a lock of hair be around the face and be in the tail black and white rings, which is similar to a black cat and has long fingers used to search for worms in the wood worn and walks over the branch clicks his fingers on the tree to hear the sound of worms in the tree until he hears it and starts digging in the tree sharp front teeth until he reaches the worms and eats.

3. Foundation with big eyes

This species lives in the Bush and its length is about 12 centipedes ears and has almost double and eats insects, small birds and fruits and its large eyes make it can see at night among the trees and the proportion of about 5 meters and its claws help it to stick to the trees.

4. Galago

It is an animal called the baby plants and called Balaga Lalo and the size of almost the size of a rabbit, which is one of the animals that can live in homes and have a familiar face and called a child because it is like screaming baby jumps from a branch to a branch hunting insects and his body is covered with hair and eats fruits when he is two weeks and breastfed by his mother until he reaches the fifth week and this is one of the most important information about lemurs.

5. Loras

He lives in South Asia and will have a tail, move slowly between branches, cling to branches with his feet and hands instead of running, and can ferociously run if he is angry or bitten.


6. Flying lemurs

The flying lemur lives in Southeast Asia and is different in shape because it is considered a cross between the lemur and the Flying Squirrel and flies as if sliding and has a kind of umbrella consisting of skin tissue starting from the chin and extending on the sides and on the arm and fingers to the tip of the tail.


7. Ring-tailed lemur

  • It is slightly different from the rest of the species and is diurnal, semi-wild, and lives in the forests of Madagascar.
  • It is an opportunistic animal and eats fruits and leaves, especially the tamarind tree.


8. African lemurs

It is a mammal that has a long tail and thick fur and has a pointed nose, large eyes, and a long tail and is one of the endangered animals and has different provisions and is similar to a monkey in shape.


9. Crowned lemurs

It is one of the smallest species of lemurs, about 105 cm long and this size is half its tail and lives in the forests of eastern Madagascar and has thick white fur around the face and lives in the shade of forests and trees and rarely descends on the ground and moves at 18 miles per hour and uses its strong legs in jumping.


10. Lemur aye aye

* It is a species of lemur that lives in the tropical rainforests of Madagascar.

* He has a bad reputation because of his frightening appearance and is a bad omen to the locals and they kill him.

* This is why it is threatened with extinction and is a naturally cold animal that is active at night.

* He uses his voice to get food by echoing and knocking on trees and listening to the sound of wood-piercing larvae moving.


11. Ferret lemurs

It is a type of lemur that lives outside Madagascar and lives in Comoros and feeds on fruits, flowers, and nectar, a nocturnal animal or a companion, which is active at different times of the day and depends on the amount of light and this was one of the most important information about the lemur.

12. Bamboo lemur

This species is called Barrymore, and despite its name, it is an aggressive animal that feeds primarily on bamboo, swims well in the water, and spends most of its time in the water.


13. Fork-crested lemur

This species lives in the rainforests of Madagascar and relies for its food on tree gum and other secretions, gets some nitrogen and protein from hunting small arthropods at night, sleeps in tree holes and nests, and has only one wife.


14. Blue-eyed black lemurs

In this type of animal, the male is black, while the females are reddish-brown and have blue eyes, which is a feisty and aggressive species, which is striped with extinction.


15. Golden crested lemur

This is a species of lemur with a white and cream color and a golden crested head shape and lives in groups of 5 to individuals and the female is the leader and is threatened with extinction.


16. Silk lemur

It is an animal that has long white fur silky texture with a bald face and eats only leaves and seeds and gets some minerals and nutrients from eating mud and is threatened with extinction.


Let you know this information about lemurs.


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