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Exercises to lose belly fat

The most powerful ways to lose rumen and burn body fat and Exercises to lose belly fat.

Do you have large fat lumps in the abdomen and middle area Are you tired of this appearance and have become frustrated and depressed Are you unhappy with your appearance in clothes Have you made dozens of attempts, run tens of kilometers, and bought devices and medicines for hundreds (or thousands)! (Pounds to solve this problem?) Do not worry and do not be sad. This article will help you quickly lose your rumen to the last gram of fat. I will describe to you the only way to get a taut, strong, and attractive belly. You will not need to read any other article or fall victim to the lies and deceit of misleading television ads.


Dangers of rumen fat:

There are two forms of fat clumping in the body. There is a so-called pear shape, which is a lump of fat in the buttocks or lower body. There is an apple shape, which is a fat conglomerate in the abdomen and middle. The "rumen" not only causes physical and aesthetic problems but the clumping of fat in the abdominal area increases the chances of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure

The fat of the rumen does not sit still. But researchers have discovered that like living organs, they secrete hormones and harmful substances on the body. Rumen fat is easily broken down into fatty acids and transported to the liver, causing a significant rise in bad cholesterol. In addition, it affects the sensitivity of the hormone insulin, which leads to the accumulation of sugar and fat in the bloodstream, which in turn leads to diabetes and heart disease.

It affects men more than women, and this explains that the incidence of heart disease is higher in men.

In addition, researchers have discovered a significant relationship between rumen fat accumulation and erectile dysfunction in men.


What are the failed ways to lose Rumen?

1-tummy tuck exercises:

Tummy tuck exercises are essential for all athletes and weight-lifting trainees. They help strengthen the trunk and protect the back vertebrae from injury. If your abdominal muscles are weak and you carry large weights on your back (such as squats), your lumbar (lower back) muscles take on all the load to keep the body in balance. This causes stress to the back or injury, God forbid. Despite the importance of abdominal exercises, this does not mean that performing hundreds of abdominal reps is the solution to Rumen loss. On the contrary, abdominal exercises lead to an increase in the size of the abdominal muscles. Which pushes the rumen forward and gives a hint of increasing its size.

Studies and all practical attempts have proven that it is very difficult to target fat in a particular area. Whether in the abdomen, buttocks, or any other area.


2. thermal clothing

In Egypt and the Arab world, it is common for millions to fall for the trick and lie of thermal clothing for slimming. I have seen with my own eyes dozens of trainees wearing thermal abdominal belts in the changing rooms of the gym. This is in their belief that they are taking out excess belly fat through sweat. And this is completely wrong. Fats are fatty acids that break down in the blood and turn into glucose for energy use, and never come out through sweat. Add to that the risk of dehydration and heatstroke due to these clothes. To read about this myth at length or if you know a friend who is convinced of the usefulness of thermal clothing, send him this topic.

The whole truth of thermal clothing, slimming shorts, and belly belt


3. medicines

There are two types of drugs that Rumen detoxers take. Oral medications or topical paints. There are those who take drugs such as Xenical, critical, Hydroxycut, or Lipo-6. There are those who paint creams bought through television ads without any benefit. Let me ask you personally: if these drugs work, did you need to read such an article and look for solutions If these drugs really worked, there would be no obesity problem in the Arab world and the whole world. Add to this that some of these drugs have serious health complications.

Ironically, you'll find the pharmacist who sells you Xenical, obese. So why didn't the medicine work for him.



Liposuction actually works in the case of localized suction. On the other hand, when burning fat through dieting, fat cells do not disappear but shrink in size. But liposuction aspirates entire fat cells from under the skin. This means that fat does not accumulate in this area in the future. That's not a good thing. Because when you continue with bad eating habits and gain new fat, the fat accumulates around the suction area abnormally and causes significant abnormalities in the abdominal area. In addition, liposuction is a dangerous procedure and has caused death for many patients.

What are the best ways to lose Rumen?

The pattern of fat accumulation in the body varies from person to person depending on genes, gender, and other factors. When you gain excess fat, it is not distributed evenly over the body. But for most men, fat accumulates first on the abdomen and then on the rest of the body. And the opposite when losing body fat. A man may lose fat first from his face or chest, and the abdominal area remains the last place to lose fat.

So, simply put, to lose Rumen, you have to lose all body fat, and you have to be patient. The onset of abdominal muscles (sexpack) is at 12% fat in men and 20% in women. As we explained, belly fat cannot be targeted topically. That's impossible.


.. And there is a common Western proverb (attractive belly is made in the kitchen, not in the gym). That is, paying attention to a healthy diet and eating fewer calories than you need is the most appropriate way to burn belly fat.


Here are 6 steps and strategies to burn whole body fat:

1-make the diet a new habit in your life and not a harsh diet for a limited time.

You should make healthy eating and exercise a lifestyle. And don't make your way to losing weight follow a hard diet for a limited time. As mentioned, the constant entry and exit from harsh dieting does not succeed and causes great problems. Making healthy eating and exercising your daily habits is the perfect solution. Habits when formed in humans are very difficult to break and change. Of course, it is difficult to change all your old bad habits and replace them with new ones in a short period of time. But change takes its time. And after a while when you have these habits, it's easy to stick to them throughout your life.


Why low-calorie diets fail?

2-you should take care of maintaining your muscle mass

  • Eating healthy doesn't mean eating tuna and cottage cheese all day. Instead, he ate a varied diet of meat, fruit, dairy, fat, and even sweets such as chocolate. Of course, with calories in mind in your diet.
  • As for exercise, it does not mean strenuous and violent exercise or dragging for an hour a day in which your knees break. Muscle-strengthening exercises for 45 minutes three times a week.
  • When you are on a diet, you should consume appropriate amounts of calories and practice muscle strengthening exercises to maintain muscle mass during dieting. That's because the non-fat muscle or body mass (your weight without fat) is the key element to increase your metabolism E.or what some call burning processes.
  • The more muscle mass you have, the more you can burn fat and calories on a daily basis. Studies have shown that one pound of muscle burns between 5-7 calories a day. Even during times of relaxation and sleep, your muscles continue to consume calories, burn fat and increase metabolic processes. For this reason, increasing the muscle mass of a man or woman is the ideal solution for long-term fat burning without a slow-burning process.
  • For these reasons, muscle strengthening exercises and barbell exercises are your best tools to burn fat and get the perfect body. We will explain in detail in upcoming articles the exercises that are suitable for men and ladies.


3-Calculate your daily calorie needs, and decrease them in proportion to your lifestyle.

  • To lose weight and burn fat, you should eat fewer calories than you consume. In order to gain weight, you must eat more calories than you consume. Thus, in order for your weight to remain stable, you must eat the same amount of calories as you consume.
  • The number of calories you need a day to allow as (Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE or the amount of energy consumed per day. After calculating the الـ you deduct the right amount of caloric value, and this will be the basis of your diet.
  • Large amounts of calories should not decrease your daily consumption rate. The maximum you can subtract is approximately 1000 calories. If you try to reduce large amounts of calories, your body will become fatigued, slow down your metabolic rates, and you will fall into a “starvation reaction” Orr and your body will stop burning fat.

How to calculate your daily calorie needs?

4-do aerobic exercise, especially muscle strengthening exercises

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions that revolve around the topic of exercise that helps to lose weight. There are those who believe that aerobics, cardio, or running are the hopeful way to burn fat. There are those who believe that walking at a certain speed and after a certain period of time targets body fat for energy. There are those who try to do specific exercises or buy sports equipment specifically to target specific areas to burn fat, such as abdominal organs in television ads. And all this is not true, muscle strengthening exercises or barbell exercises are optimal and best for burning fat and maintaining your muscle mass. And that's not to say that cardio has no place in your slimming and fat-burning program. But it is wrong to make cardio the core of the exercises. Theme exercise barbell exercises to burn fat great topic Be, if you read Point Number 2 on this topic, you will remember the importance of maintaining and increasing muscle mass in order to raise metabolic rates and burn calories.


How do barbell exercises help burn fat?

5-make it your goal to lose a pound or two a week, not more than this.

A pound is 0.45 kg. That is, your goal should be to lose about half a kilo or a kilo per week. If you go back to point 3, you will find that I recommend making a small reduction in calories from your daily needs. That is if you cut 500 calories a day from your needs, then in 7 days you have burned 3,500 calories, that is, a pound of fat. That's because a pound of body fat has 3,500 calories, provided you do muscle-strengthening exercises and eat a good amount of protein to maintain your muscle mass. That is, losing more than 2 pounds a week can lead to cracking and wasting your muscle mass.

The American COLLEGE of sports medicine She also recommends a maximum of 2 lbs weekly fat loss. Of course, the only exception is to be very obese and have a large amount of fat to lose. In this case, losing 3 pounds per week would be a reasonable rate.

By calculation: if you lose one pound per week, this means losing 4 pounds per month, which is about 2 kilograms. This means that after 10 months you have lost 20 kg! Your appearance has changed for the better. And all this without starvation or violent exercises.


6-make a long-term written plan.

Your goal should be to burn body fat, not just lose weight on the scale.

You should measure your body fat percentage accurately on Weight loss calculator Then work out a plan to burn from half to 1 kg until you reach the ideal body fat percentage, which is 10-12% for men and 15-20% for women.

Example: if you are a man, your weight is 90 kg and your body fat percentage is 20%. To reach 10% fat, you need to burn 10% of your body fat, that is, you need to burn 9 kg of fat. If our goal is to burn 1 kg per week, we will need 9 weeks to reach the desired goal. It is also recommended that you follow up on your results by taking monthly or bi-monthly photos.

Exercises to lose belly fat


