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Keto Diet Foods

The keto diet is among the types of diets that have recently begun to spread among a lot of individuals who want to lose weight as quickly as possible through keto diet foods and get a perfect body, this new system has been able to win the trust of many because of its amazing results that make life enjoyable over time.

It is worth noting that the ketogenic system was known in the last century as one of the therapeutic methods for patients with epilepsy, especially, and already one of the doctors managed to use it to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy.

What is the keto diet?

(The ketogenic diet) is based on a list of allowed and prohibited that you must adhere to completely to reach your ideal weight.


Basically, you are allowed to eat meat, fish, eggs, margarine, butter, and other proteins and fats, in exchange for limiting the intake of carbohydrates that cause you to gain weight, but speaking of fruits and vegetables are limited in this system significantly, especially those that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates.

It is worth noting that the keto diet mainly plays on ( Ketosis ) For the body, through a lot of intake of fats and proteins and reduce the intake of sugars to stimulate the body to produce energy from fat. This causes your blood sugar not to rise, which reduces your desire to eat constantly during the day, and then your weight decreases.


The keto diet deliberately shifts the body's system from relying on carbohydrates as the first source of energy to relying on fat mainly to supply the body with the energy needed to carry out various daily activities, to produce ( ketogenic bodies ) .


Benefits of the keto diet

There are many benefits to you if you decide to follow the keto system without other diets, among the benefits of this system are the following:

  • This system helps you lose weight significantly in a short period, and also saves you from the accumulated fat in a certain area of the body, and that ensures you a decent body without any annoying protrusions.
  • It is worth noting that the keto diet does not reduce the volume of your energy during the day, you will not feel anxious and exhausted no matter how long your weight loss, and you will enjoy more concentration than before.
  • If you are suffering from diabetes or high cholesterol, you can follow the keto diet, which works to control the rates of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
  • In adolescence, many people usually suffer from skin problems, especially acne, but with the keto diet and stop sweets and preservatives, you will enjoy pure, fresh skin.

The harms of the keto diet

Despite the many benefits that you will reap after following this diet, there are some potential harms of this system, especially with the continuation of the experiment for a long time, including the following:

  • With the withdrawal of carbohydrates from your daily diet, you can experience a condition called keto flu (keto flu), so that you feel heat, headaches, and muscle aches and this condition may not last much.
  • In the keto diet, you will eat a large amount of fat such as margarine, butter, and meat fat, and this will cause you a state of diarrhea that may last for a special period in the first days of following this system.
  • If you are on the keto diet to reduce weight quickly, then after success in reaching the ideal weight may give up keto diet habits and this will cause you to gain weight quickly again as a result of your appetite for carbohydrates.
  • It is worth noting that the keto diet may work to weaken your muscles significantly because the rates of fat in food are greater than proteins, which leads to a reduction in muscle mass unless you support your system with daily sports, so ketogenic nutritionists advise athletes to follow modified methods of the keto diet, such as the high protein keto diet or targeted keto diet.
  • After staying on the keto diet for a long time, you may be at risk of some diseases, including heart and kidney disease, and bone problems, but this is never a cause for concern by following the instructions of your doctor.

To apply this diet at first we must learn about the keto diet foods

Legumes allowed and prohibited in keto

You have to know a lot about the keto diet before committing to it, and among the most important information that you should know what are the permitted foods and what is prohibited, and among the most important components of the food that you need to know are legumes, which many are keen to provide in meals so that they are rich:

  • Permissible content of legumes in keto: They are those legumes that contain a high percentage of fiber, which leads to a feeling of satiety significantly, which reduces the number of times to eat, and in return, these legumes reduce the rates of carbohydrates and these legumes include the following:

  1. Red beans
  2. Green beans
  3. Green peas
  4. Peanuts
  5. Hummus

  • Prohibited from legumes in the keto diet: these are those legumes that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, which leads to a ketogenic disorder of the body, and that results in an increase in the desire to eat and then gain weight significantly, and among these legumes are the following:

  1. Cowpea
  2. Corn


Types of milk that are forbidden and allowed in keto

One of the most important nutrients that every person must be careful to eat during his day is dairy, which helps very much to build muscles and bones in the exact form so that the individual can do hard efforts without pain.

When one decides to follow the keto diet for weight loss, he thinks about what dairy is suitable in the keto diet and what dairy is prohibited, which are as follows:

  • Allowed dairy in the keto diet: allowed dairy are those that do not rise in the rates of lactose sugar, which leads to the corruption of the ketogenic state of the body and then lose weight loss journey, among these dairies include the following:

  1. almond milk.
  2. Coconut milk
  3. Soy milk
  4. Cow's milk but in a limited amount

  • Prohibited dairy in the keto diet: it is usually decided to prevent milk in the keto diet because it contains high levels of lactose, but there are some types of milk that are prevented because they contain a large number of carbohydrates, which is completely contrary to the keto system, and among the prohibited dairy are the following:

  1. Goat milk
  2. Sweetened condensed milk
  3. Oat milk
  4. Rice milk  

Allowed and forbidden cheeses in the keto diet

Among the foods of the ketogenic system that the individual eats mainly in his day is cheese, which varies in the markets very much, there are those who prefer salted cheese and there are those who want it without salt and so on, so when the individual wants to lose weight and decides to follow the keto diet, he wonders about eating cheese :

  • Cheese allowed in keto: these are those cheeses that have a high percentage of fats and proteins, as opposed to low rates of carbohydrates, including the following:

  1. Rice for cheese
  2. Mozzarella cheese
  3. Feta cheese
  4. Istanbul cheese
  5. Cottage cheese

  • Types of cheese prohibited in the keto diet: some types of cheese are prohibited because they have high levels of carbohydrates and lactose sugar, and among the prohibited cheeses are the following:

  1. Cheddar cheese
  2. Canned cheese
  3. Ricotta cheese
  4. Soy cheese


Fruits and vegetables in the ketogenic diet

Speaking of the ketogenic diet and reducing the rates of fat in the body faster, it must be noted that the vegetables and fruits in this system are not like the rest of the other diet systems, so you are forbidden to eat some types in exchange for allowing you to eat other types, as follows:

First, allowed and forbidden Vegetables in keto

  • Vegetables allowed in the keto diet: they contain a high amount of fiber, which enhances the feeling of satiety and improves digestion, including the following:

  1. Artichoke
  2. Cabbage
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Zucchini
  5. Tomatoes
  6. Onion
  7. Spinach

  • Prohibited vegetables in keto: where high rates of carbohydrates, which spoils the state of the body Ketone and expose you to weight gain instead of decrease, including the following:

  1. Potatoes
  2. Taro
  3. Islands

Second, allowed and prohibited fruits in the ketogenic system

  • Fruits allowed in the keto diet: so that they reduce the rates of sugar and starches, which helps you to take a snack during the day without fear of weight gain:

  1. Mulberry
  2. Strawberry
  3. Avocado
  4. Watermelon
  5. Cantaloupe

  • Prohibited fruits in the keto diet: they are prohibited because they contain a high percentage of sugar, which leads to the imbalance of the state of ketosis of the body and raise the rate of blood sugar, among these fruits are the following:

  1. Fig
  2. Pomegranate
  3. Mango
  4. Banana
  5. Grapes

Sports and keto diet

So you can get a fit body mathematically without sagging or cellulite after following the keto diet, you should be careful to exercise during the period of a ketogenic diet, where sports benefit you in increasing the percentage of muscle mass in the body and help you significantly in burning food.

  • Among the types of math that the captain can train you for because they are proportional to the keto diet are the following:

  1. You can practice weight lifting in groups, to strengthen the muscles of the arms.
  2. Swimming promotes fat burning in the body.
  3. You can play football more than once a week until you get an athletic body.
  4. If you can't do high-effort sports, you can just walk, which has a great benefit with the ketogenic diet to reduce weight.

Keto Diet Foods


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