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Weight loss calculator

Why healthy weight is important ?

People often reduce excess flab just for a stunning look. Through the keto diet and other weight loss programs ,But this is not enough, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is very important for your overall health. In addition, your healthy weight is the primary factor that helps you prevent and control many diseases and conditions. People who are obese and overweight are more likely to have serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems and some cancers.That deprives them of an easy life.

  • This is the main reason why maintaining a healthy weight is important for everyone. A healthy weight helps you feel good about yourself and increase your energy level. Therefore, use our weight loss goal calculator to achieve your health goals.

 Weight loss calculator

About fat loss calculator

  • Maintaining optimal weight is essential for a healthy life free from many diseases or ailments. 
  • Ideal body weight is not the same for everyone, everyone has a different structure, so healthy weight means value anywhere from the ideal weight range for your height and gender that you can calculate with a free weight loss calculator.
  • Being an ideal figure in weight can not only keep you active and fit, but also protect you from various diseases ranging from diabetes to heart disease. A person who is overweight is more likely to develop a disease at a young age, for example, he may develop hypertension at a very young age.
  •  Obesity can make you lazy because you are unable to do the physical exercises necessary for your health and weight loss. Along with all this, there is an extensive list of the most common diseases in obesity.

Obesity is not a good thing at all. You should try to keep yourself in an ideal body weight range by doing daily sports, walking or playing physical games. Today's younger generation is very lazy in this matter; they do not like to play outdoor games. Instead, they prefer to sit or lie down and use tablets, mobile phones and play stations. It is also one of the reasons for the increase in obesity at a young age. If you are overweight and are now thinking about losing weight, you should first find out the ideal body weight range for your height and gender. By knowing the ideal weight, you will have an idea of how much body fat you should get rid of.

You can use the weight loss calculator here

Your weight is a measure of two things:

* Calories or energy that one takes. (Food, drinks)

* Calories he uses or burns (physical activity )how to lose weight?

  • You should burn more calories than you gain which means you have to do more physical activity. Losing fat is not easy. It requires firm effort and constant motivation.

  • Weight loss can be achieved either by using medical procedures or by doing a non-medical method. Medical procedures include bariatric surgery that is recommended in cases of severe obesity and medications or supplements that reduce appetite. There are many non-medical methods of weight loss that include various physical activities, changes in calorie intake, and changes in diet.

  • Weight loss can only be achieved by one thing. If you think that you will lose weight only by consuming less food, you are mistaken. Eating less can cause weight loss, but it will harm you in the long run because it will make you and your body weak. Not all internal organs that need energy from food metabolism get enough energy and are not able to perform their function well. Thus, by eating less, you will suffer more harm from achieving fat loss, get tired easily, and cannot concentrate on studies or work. So, take the three things side by side in a weight loss plan. Eat healthy food, including raw fruits and vegetables, engage in more physical activity and keep track of the calories and calories you burn daily. This way, you can stay healthy besides losing weight.

Using a weight loss chart

To find out the accuracy of calories and the amount of fat we have lost, we can use a unique calculator to measure calories for people who want to lose weight. It is a weight loss chart that will give you a detailed plan of the total time it takes to lose a certain amount of weight without catastrophic effects on health. You can also calculate your BMI which will tell you how much you need to get rid of your body.


How to calculate weight loss?

  • You can use the weight loss calculator to get an idea of your calories per day.
  • Physical activity must be combined with diet restriction, weight loss with both of these is considered an effective way to lose weight.
  • Exercise helps to reverse the development of the disease if you already suffer from it and prevents you from getting diseases , for example, exercise contributes to a decrease in susceptibility to various diseases such as high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, etc.
  • Exercise can help lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Exercise increases the body's metabolism and therefore consumes calories, so if you are on any day, you have taken more calories. You can get more exercise to burn extra calories.
  • Weight loss for overweight people is important since being in the optimal weight range is essential for the physical, mental and emotional health of the individual.
  • You may ask how to find out how much weight is healthy for yourself; we will give you this answer you first calculate your BMI using BMI calculator you will get a value that tells you how much you weigh, then using fat loss Calculator Calculate the calories to be taken daily and the level of physical activity to be done daily to achieve your ideal weight. The weight loss calculator is easy to use, and everyone can use it anytime when they want to lose weight.
  • It is important that once you lose weight you should maintain it because it has many health benefits, as it can save you from some diseases that shorten your life and have many ill effects that can hinder daily routine tasks.
  • Keeping yourself healthy by maintaining your body weight and fat should be your priority.
  • This practice can make you more active, and you can easily do difficult tasks.
  • The process of losing weight is not a quick process, it is a process that takes time, and you have to be very determined to lose weight. It is not a process that takes several days, it can be a process that takes several months, sometimes you will not notice a small difference in a month, or it can take two to three months. Therefore, use our free weight loss calculator that will tell you the time needed to achieve the weight you want.

How many calories to lose weight?

Calorie intake is important for everyone, but many people think that calories are only necessary for dieters. In simple terms, calories are the unit of energy that helps measure the amount of energy in the food and drinks you consume.

When it comes to healthy weight loss, you should eat fewer calories or burn more calories through exercise .


Exercise for weight loss:

  • According to the World Health Organization, you should burn more calories to lose weight than you eat.
  • Any weight loss plan you adopt to reduce excess weight often sticks to your calorie intake to lose weight, get to the point where you can determine every calorie you need for weight loss with the help of a calorie-per-day calculator.


Burn “500 calories a day”

People who want to lose pounds; they have to burn an extra 3,500 calories. There are 7 days a week; if you want to lose a pound in a week, a daily deficit of 500 calories is needed. Therefore, use an accurate calorie loss calculator to find out the state of your calorie deficit.


How much weight can be lost in a week ?

Getting rid of weight in a week depends on different physical activity and dietary variables. When it comes to healthy weight loss, losing 1 to 3 pounds a week is a great and highly recommended way to lose weight safely and sustainably.

Weight loss and fiber

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fiber plays a vital role in getting rid of weight. Means that you must consume enough fiber to get rid of excessive excess.
  • Whole grains are fully packed with natural fibers. When you bring some goods from the market, you should check the Nutrition Facts label and how much fiber each product contains. According to optimistic studies, you should consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day to have a healthy weight.


Sources of whole grains:

* Whole wheat

* Whole Oats / oatmeal

* Whole grain corn

* Popcorn

* Brown rice

* Whole rye

* Whole grain barley

* Wild rice

* Buckwheat

* Soy beans

* Bulgur (cracked wheat)

* Millet

* Quinoa

* Corn


What to eat for weight loss?

Best fruits for weight loss:

Grapefruit, apple , berry, fruit, fruit, rhubarb, kiwi fruit , cantaloupe , and orange


The best vegetables for weight loss

Spinach and other leafy greens, mushrooms , cauliflower and broccoli, peppers , pumpkins , carrots , beans ،Asparagus, cucumber

Foods to avoid losing weight

French fries , sugary drinks, white bread , dessert bars, artificially flavored juices , pastries , biscuits, alcohol (especially beer), ice cream , pizza, high-calorie coffee drinks , foods rich in added sugar

Weight loss calculator


