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Getting rid of insomnia


There are a lot of people who constantly suffer from the problem of insomnia and sleep disorder, especially if the person is suffering from some problem or thinking about a particular topic, which reduces the number of hours of sleep and feels his real suffering with insomnia, and can not sleep in a normal way. In the following article, let's find out what insomnia is, symptoms, types, and risk factors and Ways to Getting rid of insomnia.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is having difficulty sleeping, it can be short-term, or long-term ( chronic). Insomnia lasts from one night up to two weeks, while chronic insomnia occurs for 3 nights a week and for 3 months.


So... What are the symptoms of insomnia?

A person has difficulty practicing daily tasks, which include:

  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • Waking up more than once during the hour.
  • Fatigue and fatigue all the time.
  • Lack of perception and concentration.
  • Not completing daily tasks.
  • Sadness and melancholy.


types of insomnia

There are two types of insomnia, namely primary insomnia and secondary insomnia 

* Primary insomnia

This type of insomnia is not associated with any problems or health conditions, experienced by a person.


* Secondary insomnia

Secondary insomnia occurs when a person experiences sleep problems due to a health condition or disease such as ( asthma, depression, arthritis, substance abuse).


What are the risk factors for insomnia and its complications?

Women suffer more often than men, and older than their young, insomnia risk factors that make a person suffer from:

  • Mental health problems.
  • Night shifts.
  • Long-term illness.

Its complications include:-

High risk of certain health problems, such as

  • Obesity, depression, hypertension.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Anxiety disorder.
  • Slow reactions.


What are the causes of insomnia in women?

Women are more likely than men to suffer from insomnia, as many studies and estimates indicate that women are at greater risk of insomnia for life by more than 40% and that more than 64% of women take sedatives to help them sleep

There is no clear cause for insomnia in women, but researchers believe it is linked to some hormonal and psychological factors, the genetic makeup of women, and from some of these factors:

  • The period during pregnancy.
  • The period of menopause and menopause.
  • Depression, anxiety, stress.
  • Lack of vitamin D and calcium is needed by the body.
  • Psycho-emotional problems.

 anxiety test

The anxiety test is a question that the doctor asks to treat insomnia, in order to reach a diagnosis, and these questions include

  • Medical conditions.
  • Social environment.
  • Psychological state.
  • Last date to sleep well.

  1. This information helps to identify the hidden causes of sleep problems, as sometimes requested by your doctor
  2. Keep a sleep record.
  3. Timer recording when he falls asleep.
  4. Note the cases when he wakes up frequently.
  5. Inform the doctor about the time when he wakes up.


Treatment of insomnia and the most important 6 steps to help get rid of it

1. First prepare the bedroom: make your bedroom quiet:
The quiet bedroom helps to sleep and relax better and faster, in addition to the fact that the room temperature should be suitable for sleep, usually between 65 to 85 degrees, in order to enjoy deep quiet sleep, and if you suffer from the problem of night sweats, you should, in this case, look for a way to cool the pillow and keep it moist, as well as to prepare the appropriate covers.


2. Turn off the lights and all appliances in the room:

Darkness greatly helps the mind to relax, ask for sleep, and the release of hormones that stimulate the mind and body to sleep, and if you leave the devices working and kept staring at the TV for a long time, the mind immediately issues a set of hormones working on the lack of access to sleep, and therefore your room should be dark, and


3. Sleep without discomfort or feeling disturbed sleep:

You should also do without all electronic devices in your room, such as TV or PlayStation, and do not use a computer or any tablet while you are in bed, because the bedroom is known to be a place to rest, in addition to that you should turn off your phone as soon as you go to sleep, or at least set it in do not disturb mode and do not put it next to you on the bed, so as not to be a source of temptation, and you open the internet and browsing and go to sleep, and return again to insomnia.


4. Make sure the bedding is suitable for sleeping:

If your bed is uncomfortable and is an auxiliary factor on insomnia, do not be surprised much because insomnia results from discomfort, and therefore you must allocate a suitable time to take care of a large bed, and look for another bed that is comfortable for you, and if you suffer from diseases of the back, neck, and bones, you should look for comfortable sleeping means, preferably "cotton bed" because it is comfortable for the back, which helps you get rid of insomnia, not to mention the need to wash the sheets at least once a week, for the possibility of sleeping quietly and psychologically comfortable with the necessary arrangement of your room every morning.


5. Spray freshener inside the bedroom:

Preferred to use essential oil perfumes, which have great effectiveness to help the human body to relax, and contribute to calm the mind, where research and reports indicated that "lavender" is the first smell that helps you get rid of insomnia and sleep quietly and deeply, and therefore preferred to acquire one bottle of lavender perfume and to use it as follows:


You should spray a few drops of lavender perfume on a piece of cloth and put it under the pillow, mix drops of lavender with water and then spray your room with it or massage your body with lavender oil.

If you do not have lavender perfume, and you can not buy it in this case, you should use a range of essential oils available to any perfumer, such as musk, sandalwood which are considered one of the best essential oils.

6. Evacuation of the bedroom from noise and noise:

Loud sound and noise are auxiliary factors for insomnia, and therefore you should make a greater effort to get rid of the noise in your room, such as sealing windows, windows, doors, and TV, in order to prevent the infiltration of any light into your bedroom, it is also preferable to do without all the musical instruments in your room, and do not leave the earpiece in your ear, so as not to cause insomnia.


Techniques that help to distract

Counting sheep:

This method is considered one of the effective methods in the treatment of insomnia problem and help to relax and sleep, where you are required in this case to focus mentally on "counting sheep", and to stay away from any problems that revolve in your mind, this method may be boring, but it often pays off in the treatment of insomnia problem.


Relax the muscles of the body:

Serious attempt to relax the muscles and focus on them gradually, this method works to reduce insomnia and help sleep better, but with the need to start with the toes up to the top of the head.


Doing from bedding:

This method is sometimes useful and helps to get rid of insomnia, which is to get out of bed in case of sleep strike, try to open the TV, read a book or drawing, or make a light meal, for half an hour or an hour, so as to get rid of the feeling of fatigue.



In this case, try to calm your nerves, for example, why not distract yourself in a scenario created for you, and think of the rainbow, or the sky and the number of clouds, as thinking about strange things may be a motivation to solve the problem of insomnia and get rid of it, and it is possible to resort to thinking about playing late at night.


Listen to music:

Jukebox will be the reason to call sleep and get rid of insomnia.


Getting rid of insomnia


